December 5, 2012

Last pre-departure meeting and finals

Tonight was my final pre- departure meeting and I had the opportunity to talk to some of my fellow study abroad-ers. It was nice meeting new people, but I was, of course, my usual awko taco self. Hopefully I'll be making friends, otherwise I'll be #foreveralone the next few months. I, did, however have a good conversation with the staff member in residence (I think that's her title...), and she was super nice! 

In other news, I cannot believe it, but its the last week of classes! When did it become December? (and why is it so warm outside?) Finals are quickly approaching-- I had one yesterday, another on Thursday and then four more next week. Its so crazy to think how fast this semester has blown by! As of today, I have 35 more days until I move to Italy. With that journey so soon, I'm finding it hard to concentrate on the current semester, but I am powering through. Winter break is sure to fly by and soon I will find myself on a plane to Paris (and then another to Florence).
Here's a little video of my first final. I had to build a robot! His name is BuddytheElf and I programmed him to run entirely on his own (no remote control).

That was a little random, but I am just so stinkin' proud of him. Anyways, I should be posting a few more entries before I begin my daily dairy when I move to Florence. Ciao!

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