Today I was beyond exhausted. I had to get up early to teach. I volunteer to assist teaching History, which is an extra hour a week. I got to school just before 8am and found Lucia. For whatever reason, I was the only one who showed up. Lucia got the computer and was having a kid set it up for a lesson on Ellis Island. Unfortunately it wasn't working so she had me leave and teach the lesson next week. I had some time to kill, so I went for a walk before teaching English at 9am. In that class, Maria Grazia divided the students into groups and we did several activities. The students read a comic, used a picture to say things such as "the book is under the desk," and played a game where one student thought of an animal and the rest asked questions to guess the animal.
Then I had an art visit at the Santa Maria Novella church.
I went to the library after to finish some reading then watched two episodes of Supernatural. Then I had Architecture class.
I went home and fell asleep until dinner. Rosanna made pasta with red sauce, salad, and a piece of beef that was very dark and almost greenish in color (and tasted horrible). For dessert we had the same cookies from the day before.
I forgot to mention before, but Jean Marcel moved out Monday and Flavia while we were on break.
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