After breakfast I was in my room finishing up putting on my eyeliner when I heard Rosanna yelling down the hall way. She opened our door, which was semi-cracked open and told me that it was "nevica," or snowing. That's right, it was snowing in Florence this morning. Here is a video of me walking down my street:
I had Italian class then a break, then the general meeting and then another break. In my first break I finished up my Architecture paper. I also did some other work, but was actually really unproductive today.
For today's Architecture we had an outing. We went to Orsanmichele which was the sight of a small church, then became the grain market and eventually was turned back into a church. The building changed over time to meet its function. To serve its market purposes, a structure was built, but the arches were kept open as it was an outdoor market. It was rebuilt a few times due to being destroyed and also for expansion purposes. It was then made into a building, with a roof and windows where the open arches had been. Two floors were added over time. When it was converted into a church it still had the market set up with two large columns in the middle of the building. This created a problem for where the alter would be placed. The alter now stands off center, on the right side of the church. Unfortunately the upper floors, where the original statues are housed was closed. A cool thing about this building is that it was located in the part of town owned by the different guilds of Florence. When it became a church, each guild was told to commission a statue of their patron saint for the outside of the building. They hired famous sculptors such as Donatello. The statues are now either inside the church or in a museum elsewhere and replicas decorate the facade.
For dinner I had rigatoni with cheese and two thin slices of nearly rare beef. I liked the pasta a lot and even had seconds. As I was finishing eating and everyone else was done, Rosanna pushed this large bowl of some sort of green goo towards me and told me to eat it. I took a spoonful and put it on my plate. It was spinach liqufied, like baby food. It probably falls under the category of the worst foods I have ever had in my life. It just tasted horrible; I had to choke it down with water. For dessert she gave me a piece of cake that was soaked in a chocolate pudding and cream. I didn't mind it, but I am not a big fan of soggy foods.
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