April 10, 2013

Day 93: Finals Day 1

Today was the first day of final exams. First I had my Italian exam. It went well. Lindsey Z. asked Massimo if he would miss us, he replied "No, I don't have time. I have a new class starting on Wednesday." This was both funny and sad. For us it is such a big deal to say goodbye but for the professors it is usual and they have been doing so every semester since the beginning of the program.
Next was my Dante exam. I was the last to finish. I wrote two papers. The first was two pages front and back on Paradiso XV, and the second was three pages front and back on Dante's message in his Commedia. I honestly didn't have enough time to even start to fully discuss the second question, and wish to continue reading (and rereading) the book to find an answer.
I had dinner at my homestay as usual and then went out to Uncle Jimmy's bar with my classmates. Its a shame that our last days here are also finals days because everyone wants to go out and spend time together but also need to study. I got home at a decent hour, studied a little bit more, and went to bed.
The Piazza della Reppublica.. blurry night edition
 Uncle Jimmy's is a bar located near the Piazza della Reppublica that attracts American college students and Italian locals. Their walls are covered in sharpie drawings and words. I left my mark on the place tonight.
first, my frat

And my program
Then my name

"JMU" in upper left corner, name to the right a little bit

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