Before I get into the boboli garden pictures, I am going to make something VERY clear, because I have been asked this several times. Caleb and I are 1500000% just friends. People in the program like to joke we are a couple/ hooking up, so anything that references that on facebook is purely a joke and can be taken as such.
Now here are some pictures from my adventure in the boboli gardens:
Two pics below taken from inside this little building |
After dinner I met up with Amanda at our apartment. We went to Uncle Jimmy's and then to a club called Space. It was an awesome night! We met a lot of Italians, but refused to dance with most (grinding? no way!). I made many friends anyways. One group of four guys from Napoli I danced around/ I made my friend dance with were really fun. They went to leave, but Amanda and I stayed. Then we met a Brazilian guy who refers to us as "Virginia!" whenever we ran into him. His one friend was particularly cute and I got his number. As we were leaving I saw the Napoli guys and they had me sit with them. I learned that their names were Francesco, Luigi, Pierre Luigi, and M?? (he was married and disliked us). We ended up leaving with them and going to McDonald's (apparently this is what Italians do). Pierre Luigi and Amanda went to a table while Luigi and M dude went somewhere else. I stayed in line with Francesco and told him things about America. Then these two guys started trying to talk to me. They spoke little English, but I understood them mostly. Francesco tried to act as a translator (I think he was trying to be included/ assert that he knew me). I friended one of the guys on facebook because why not? We met up with Amanda and Pierre Luigi and left a little while later. They were staying a little outside of the city, so we said goodbye and went home. We got to bed around 6am. It was a great night and I'm glad I met new people. It was really nice getting away from my American classmates and Americans in general.
Loving all the pictures you have taken. You are going to have a huge album by the time you are done. The pizza looks very yummy!!