January 11, 2013

Day 4: its FRIDAY!

Amanda and I have begun to get into a kinda routine. We woke up around 7am then had breakfast at 8 and left at 8:15. We walked to the BI for our morning Italian class. I was placed in the Lower Intermediate class (there are three levels, Upper Intermediate, Lower Intermediate and Beginner). We started by reviewing an exercise that was on our placement test then we moved on to reviewing questions (ie. Where do you live? When is your birthday?). After class we had a meeting at the Palazzo Capponi, JMU’s building. There Cosima guided us through filling out the permesso di soggiorno, which is a permit to stay in Italy that we need in addition to our student visas. 
At the BI: "Machine gives change (or maybe not)"
In the evening I went to the supermercato for the first time. I got some apples, soap, shampoo, crackers and a small bottle of wine. The worst thing was learning how to do things, i.e. for the apples, you have to get a bag, put on a glove then weigh them on a scale that prints out a label with the price on it.
an Italian soda
Later in the night, I met up with some of my classmates and we went to an "American" bar, Uncle Jimmy's, and then to a club, Twenty One.
the bar on fire

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